Lawyers confirm that R&AW/cbi employees are CYBERCRIMINALS using stolen data to commit WRITING FRAUD on the domain investor

The well paid high status R&AW/cbi employees are not talking to the domain investor, writer who they have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED for the last ten years to ruin her reputation, personally and professionally since they consider her low status.
Yet in a major WRITING FRAUD, they are STEALING all her data using different methods and falsely claiming that they are doing the work, to get monthly government salaries. Since these FRAUD liar raw/cbi employees are well connected and high status, the indian and state government is blindly believing all their lies to make fake claims about their work, though these frauds are not doing any writing work, and are least interested in doing the work in future also.

The ntro, raw, cbi employees think that CYBERCRIME is their birthright, yet indian lawyers at pathlegal have confirmed that stealing data for making FAKE CLAIMS is a CYBERCRIME, if they are not doing the work, they should not make fake claims stealing the data of a private citizen, writer who is denied a life of dignity.

Official Statement on actor Sushantsingh Rajput’s death shows why English language skills are not appreciated in India

In india, the state and indian government are ruthless in harassing writers , refusing to acknowledge that they have language skills, which people from other countries are willing to pay a large amount for, and falsely accuse them of money laundering

Specifically one of the major problems for writers is that they are falsely labelled a security threat by the security agencies, police, who do not understand that knowing english fairly well, is a important skill, valued worldwide
The official statement from Mumbai police on Sushantsingh rajput’s demise posted on many websites, “Actor Sushantsingh Rajput R/o- Mount Blanc Apts, 6th Floor,Joggers Park, Bandra(W),Bandra have committed suicide by hanging himself to ceiling fan by knotting with green colour clothsheet in his bedroom. No suicide letter has been found…and no other suspicious factor has come out so far. The home is duplex flat with hall at downstairs and 3 bedrooms at upstairs.”

In india good language skills are not appreciated by the indian and state government agencies and the above statement shows the english language skills level of most people.

Though she is already cheating the domain investor of Rs 10 lakh annually, greedy gujju R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel wants content for free

Though IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian internet and tech companies are aware that their favorite SHAMELESS greedy gujju R&AW employee FRAUD stock broker asmita patel, her fraud boyfriends like mhow monster ntro employee puneet, other raw/cbi employees are not paying any money for domains, have no online income, only to help fraud companies like google destroy competition, the fraud indian tech and internet companies are falsely claiming that various fraud raw/cbi employees like indores robber housewife deepika, who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen, single woman domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper

with google,tata, indian internet and tech companies, the fraud btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college supporting india’s top fraud R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel in her Rs 10 lakh annual domain ownership fraud, the SHAMELESS GREEDY asmita patel has become even more greedy and shameless in her online fraud always wanting everything for free ffddcdxcdf

Because of ntro, raw, cbi financial, ICANN fraud on the domain investor, she is making very less money, so she wanted to sell guest posts. Yet despite cheating the domain investor of Rs 10 lakh annually with her domain fraud, greedy shameless cheater asmita patel does not even want to pay for content, she wants the domain investor to also update the content for free, so that she can falsely claim credit and make more money

Updating content is not free, it is taking a lot of time and money, and despite her google, tata sponsored Rs 10 lakh annual fraud on the domain investor, the greedy R&AW employee animal asmita got the blog rejected, since also she wants the content also for free

When no one falsely claims to own the iwriter account of Tabrez,why is indian, state government making FAKE CLAIMS about iwriter account of single woman domain investor

Before ntro,raw, cbi comment on the website content, the domain investor would like to ask the indian government why she alone is expected to tolerate the government WRITING, FINANCIAL FRAUD on her since 2013 with raw/cbi falsely claiming that their lazy fraud employees who do no writing work, own her iwriter, bank account

There are many indian writers on iwriter who are spending their time writing and are getting paid. In addition to daniel webar, tabrez account111074 is another prolific writer from india on whom R&AW/cbi do not commit WRITING, BANKING FRAUD and falsely claim that their iwriter, bank account belongs to the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do no computer work at all

Only the domain investor, iwriter account 137870 is openly subjected to a massive WRITING FRAUD since 2013, with the goa, karnataka, haryana, mp, maharashtra government openly involved in WRITING, FINANCIAL FRAUD, falsely claiming that the iwriter account of the domain investor, a private citizen belongs to the CYBERCRIMINAL LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees who HATE her especially greedy gujju fraud stock broker asmita patel, goan bhandari sunaina chodan , nayanshree hathwar and riddhi nayak caro who do not invest any money in domains at all, do not do computer work

Google,tata’s favorite panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina chandan speaks sindhi with her scammer sons, falsely claims to own the savings, bank account, domains of a marathi speaking single woman engineer for 7 years to get a monthly government salary

One of the biggest proofs that google, tata, indian tech, internet sector, government employees are openly involved in a massive financial, online fraud, is how Google,tata’s favorite panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh speaks sindhi with her scammer sons,karan, nikhil yet falsely claims to own the savings, bank account, domains including this one, of a marathi speaking single woman engineer for 7 years to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman who has no one to defend her, and is also not given the opportunity to defend herself,

The mother tongue of a person is the language a person will speak with their children, and panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife cbi employee naina chandan speaks sindhi with her sons karan, nikhil, who do not know marathi, like most people who have lived only in goa. The goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan mainly speaks konkani, english, she does not speak marathi,

yet google, tata, indian tech and internet companies are extremely aggressive in their financial fraud and refuse to end it even after ten years

Goa government LANGUAGE SKILLS FRAUD shows why english teachers recommend that goans apply for portuguese passports

Though the indian and goan government is always belittling, humiliating, cheating and exploiting those with good english language writing skills, these skills are in demand worldwide
Goan government WRITING FRAUD forces english teachers to recommend that goans apply for portuguese passports
Intelligence and security agencies in the rest of india, should realize that the website network is full of complaints, because business conditions in goa are some of the worst in India and the SHAMELESS CORRUPT LIAR government officials are least bothered because no action is taken against them.
The domain investor, engineer is not the only person complaining. Though goa was liberated from the portuguese by the indian army, in 1961 at present, the conditions in goa are so terrible that english teachers settting the goa SSC board exam, are recommending that people in goa should apply for a portuguese passport and leave goa at the earliest
There are no jobs in goa for hardworking and meritorious people, all jobs are for those with influence like goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, her sisters,purvi, piyali, cousin teji, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, who have powerful relatives in intelligence and security agencies, like caro, nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar who have INFLUENCE to get their relatives jobs with FAKE BANK account, writing and computer work.
Similar, R&AW/cbi jobs for young panaji gujju fraudster brothers karan/nikhil who are also FAKING BANK account, writing and computer work at the expense of the person doing computer work, are examples of BRIBERY in goa, which led to portuguese passport recommendation for goans by teachers who are aware of the harsh reality of living in goa

Instead of sending notices to the four teachers who recommended portuguese passports for people in goa, they should be rewarded for their HONESTY, people, politicians should ask the goa government why well connected BRIBE GIVING FRAUDS are getting monthly government salaries for FAKING computer work, bank account, domain ownership

indian government massive iwriter fraud on hardworking single woman since 2013 shows the complete lack of honesty and humanity

There are thousands of writers on iwriter, the government of almost every country other than india has the humanity and honesty to acknowledge the citizen who is doing the writing work, spending their time daily.
Only india,BRIBED by the fraud greedy DISHONEST INHUMAN indian tech and internet companies, NTRo, raw, cbi employees are emulating the TCS $140 million data theft, robbing the data of a hardworking older single woman and then falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud relatives, girlfriends and associates who do no computer work at all. own the iwriter account 137870, paypal, bank account of the single woman to get monthly R&AW/cbi salaries for their relatives like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro and associates at the expense of the hardworking single woman
To cover up the writing, iwriter fraud, the single woman is criminally defamed in the worst possible manner, to destroy her reputation and life completely spreading completely fake rumors since 2010
The single woman is protesting against the fraud, yet indicating the complete lack of humanity and honesty in the indian and state governments, especially goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharashtra, the LIAR ntro, raw, cbi employees continue with their WRITING, COMPUTER WORK fraud, DUPING companies, countries and people with their complete lies about computer, writing work, denying the single woman writer the income and opportunities she deserved, a life of dignity

This is posted as a fraud alert so that countries, companies and people are not DUPED by the complete lies of the DISHONEST INHUMAN indian government which has shamelessly making fake claims about frauds like R&W/cbi employees bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro who have never done any writing work in their life, yet got monthly government salaries for 7 years for MAKING FAKE CLAIMS because of a massive ONLINE FRAUD masterminded by iit kharagpur’s most famous alumni sundar pichai led google

Technically correct engineering article available from victim of indian government ENGINEERING FRAUD

In india, engineers from top engineering colleges, with a good JEE rank, get no paid engineering work, if they are from poorer communities like the bhandari community of karwar/kumta if they do not give up their resume, savings to well connected lazy greedy SHAMELESS brahmin/bania women like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, gujju school dropout naina chandan, ruchika kinge who do are least interested in answering jee, studying engineering, yet want to get engineering degrees overnight, stealing the indentity of harmless women engineers from top colleges, and getting monthly indian government salaries

Due to the karnataka, indian government, R&AW, cbi, ntro ENGINEERING FRAUD of falsely claiming that 2005 bbm bengaluru brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, who studied her 2005 bbm in bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura udupi, karnataka, has a btech 1993 degree, based on the FAKE REFERENCES of the brahmin ntro employees mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, involved in PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT, the below article got rejected. For similar engineering related articles, please send an email to

A boat is always moving because of the wind and motion of the waves/water in the sea, ocean, river when it is anchored. This motion makes difficult for people to stand, move or keep items in the boat. Hence most boats are using a Gyro stabilizer to keep the boat stable. The size of the stabilizer should be selected based on the size of the boat. The boat stabilizer ARG 375T from American Spin doctors is designed for a large boat system, which is heavier. The stabilizer with part number MSM-37500T-A1 is largest stabilizer in the ARG series of boat stabilizers from the company.

The ARG375T stabilizer is capable of producing a maximum anti-rolling torque of 37500 Nm. This makes it suitable for stabilizing yachts, boats of capacity sixty tons. If a stabilizer is required for mega yachts, research vessels and other larger boats of capacity 120-140 tons, more than one ARG 375T can be combined together. This stabilizer has been designed to compete with other finned stabilizers which reduce the boat speed to zero. However the power consumption of the finned stabilizers is very high. In contrast, the ARG-375T stabilizer is consuming very less power, so that the boat will not require larger generators to power the stabilizer.

The rated speed of the ARG-375T stabilizer is 3250 rpm and the angular momentum of the stabilizer at the rated speed is 45 minutes. The spool-up time to reach the rated speed of the stabilizer is forty five minutes. Either a single phase or three phase motor can be used for the spool up AC motor and operating motor. The rating of the single phase motor is slightly higher at 5.5 KW compared to the three phase 5.2 KW motor for spoolup. Similarly for normal operations a motor rated at 4.5 KW for single phase and 4.3 KW for three phase use is recommended.

Either a three phase or single phase ac input voltage at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hertz, is required for the stabilizer. The weight of the boat stabilizer is 910 kg. The main parts of the stabilizer are the gyro stabilizer with a motor and the the motor driver. The gyro stabilizer is larger in size with a height of 780 mm, width of 1120 mm and depth of 830 mm. The inverter or motor driver which is used for controlling the stabilizer has a height of 450 mm, width of 400 mm and depth of 200 mm. Based on the design of the boat, suitable provisions should be made for installation of the ARG -375 T stabilizer.

Well paid greedy LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees expect their fraud victim to create high quality content, so that they can falsely claim credit

In one of the best proofs that NTRo/raw/cbi employees are SHAMELESS SOCIOPATHS,LIARS is how they expect a private citizen, single woman to create high quality content for websites which they shamelessly and falsely claim to own and get monthly government salaries without paying any money for the domain renewals at the expense of the private citizen who is getting nothing
The indian government is directly responsible for the worsening condition of educated working women in India when it openly commits financial fraud on these women, falsely claiming that good looking lazy greedy liar raw/cbi employees with perfect homes, who do no computer work, own the domains of a private citizen, single woman

when the indian government is so ruthless in its financial fraud on older single women since 2010 from poorer communities refusing to acknowledge domain ownership, why should a private citizen spend time and money writing great content so that the lazy greedy mediocre fraud raw/cbi employees FAKING domain ownership like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar can falsely claim credit and get salaries at the expense of the real domain investor

google, tata ensure that panaji remains the writing fraud capital of the world

Due to google, tata policy of promoting call girls, school dropouts and their lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, cheater, robber housewives and other frauds as online experts, domain investors and writing experts to get all these frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries, panaji remains the writing fraud capital of the world.
The shameless LIAR intelligence and security agency employees making FAKE CLAIMS about writing work to get the panaji school dropout gujju sex queen naina chandan, who looks like sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, monthly raw/cbi salaries after getting BRIBES from naina’s fraud xerox shop owner husband pran chandan though these fraud officials are aware that the panaji sex queen naina, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil are not doing any kind of writing work
It is an indication of the rot in goan society and government that no one asks the LIAR security agency employees why they are making fake claims about the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy gujju LIAR sex queen naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil for the last 8 years