Author: admin

Unskilled students are in school, college, yet LIAR FRAUD panaji security, intelligence agencies falsely claim that they are writing articles at home

Though goa is hosting the vibrant goa summit, panaji, goa continues to be the writing fraud capital of the world, since LIAR FRAUD panaji security, intelligence agencies are ruthless in criminally defaming hardworking honest writers as lazy unskilled fools and falsely claim that unskilled students who are in school, college are writing articles at home

First the LIAR BRIBE TAKING security and intelligence agencies made fake claims about karan, nikhil, the lazy liar sons of gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, falsely claiming that they are doing writing work, own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, to waste taxpayer money paying these lazy greedy liar gujju fraudsters a monthly government salary without doing any work
Surveillance will prove that the goa government role model karan, is going to his commerce college in his red maruti brezza L2233 in the morning on most days at around 8 am, yet the goan intelligence and security agency employees falsely claim that he is doing writing work.
After the writing fraud of the young panaji gujju fraudster brothers karan, nikhil was exposed, now the security, intelligence agencies are falsely claiming that a christian brother sister with microchipped tshirt wearing mother in st.inez, panaji, goa, who are again in their school, or church in the morning are doing the computer writing work.
The fraud companies google, tata are extremely vicious in defaming the real writer spending her time writing so they BRIBE the section 420 FRAUD LIAR security, intelligence agencies in panaji, goa to make fake claims about call girls, robbers, cheaters, housewives, maidservants and now students studying in their schools and colleges in panaji, goa, falsely claiming that they are doing computer writing work
Bank details, income tax returns will legally prove that that section 420 FRAUD LIAR security, intelligence agencies in panaji, goa, google, tata employees are pathological LIARS who should not be trusted

Iwriter profile photo is proof of NTRO’s writing fraud for 10 years

to get career help from powerful FRAUD shivalli brahmin officials, SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan, making fake claims about bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, get her monthly raw salary without doing any computer work for 6 years
NTRO, google, tata, raw, cbi employees are closely monitoring the domain investor for the last 10 years, falsely claiming that they are worried about honesty and tax evasion.,
Yet they refuse to take any action against the SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan, making fake claims about bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, falsely claiming that she was an expert writer, get her monthly raw salary without doing any computer work for 6 years to get career help from powerful FRAUD shivalli brahmin officials,

J srinivasan hated his btech 1993 ee classmate from a top colege, so he hacked her laptop and falsely claimed that his sugar babies like nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan, and others who were not doing any computer work, were doing work online, to get them monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he hated causing great financial losses

To cover up his fraud,j srinivasan, criminally defamed his hardworking honest classmate to destroy her reputation, credibility so that no one would believe her, though she was telling the truth. the cunning LIAR SOCIOPATH CHEATER BRAHMIN official was aware that his sugar baby nayanshree was only cooking and keeeping, yet he was ruthless in destroying the life of his engineering classmate who he hated, and kept repeating his lies

Tired of being exploited for 10 years, the engineer has included a part of her face in her iwriter profile 137870 and would like to ask the indian government, ntro especially j srinivasan, raw, cbi, karnataka government, google, tata on what basis it falsely claimed that the account belonged to the brahmin cheater bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar, who is only cooking, housekeeping and has paid the housewife a monthly salary at the expense of the real writer

Comparing iwriter profile of daniel webar and google competitor will legally expose indian, goa and state government WRITING FRAUD

Countries, internet and other companies, people should be aware that allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian, goa, karnataka and state government are involved in a massive WRITING FRAUD since 2010 especially on iwriter

Google, tata, ntro are hacking the laptop of some writers like the domain investor, google competitor owning this website and then falsely claiming that their associates who are not spending any time writing and lack the skills, own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the real writer to get a monthly government salary , who is criminally defamed as being involved in an illegally activity especially in goa

The real writer is also falsely accused of having black money, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her to justify the WRITING FRAUD, though those accusing her of black money have no proof after 10 years of surveillance to send any income tax notice in a clear case of government fraud

Daniel Webar from Rengali, Odissa is one of the more prolific writers on iwriter (profile 136312) and is featured on the front page of iwriter. The domain investor, google competitor legally owning this website is also a very prolific writer (profile 137870) and in the last year, she has completed more articles than daniel webar because of the raw/cbi, indian government domain, BANKING fraud on her has made online publishing unfeasible. The profile of the domain investor again exposes the endless indian government banking, financial fraud on her

yet in a clear case of indian, goa,karnataka and other state government fraud on her, the indian and state government especially the goa government refuses to acknowledge the fact that the iwriter profile belongs to her alone and falsely claims that the iwriter account of a private citizen belongs to lazy fraud google,tata sponsored raw/cbi employees like riddhi nayak caro, naina chandan her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan,nayanshree hathwar, deepika, ruchika kinge and other frauds

The domain investor is criminally defamed in goa by the FRAUD LIAR intelligence and security agencies as being involved in illegal activities and anyone who offers massive BRIBES to the section 420 fraud LIAR intelligence and security agencies like school dropout panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil, karan, who do no writing work are being FALSELY promoted as writers by the corrupt goan government

The house of the domain investor in panaji, goa is criminally trespassed, burgled indicating the extent of the goa, indian government writing fraud, forcing her to live in other places where security arrangements are better.

BRAHMIN bengaluru raw employee CHEATER HOUSEWIFE nayanshree hathwar is only COOKING,RAW,indian government falsely claims that she is writing, DEFAMING the real writer

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In a clear example of NEPOTISM, CORRUPTION to pay bengaluru BRAHMIN CHEATER HOUSEWIFE nayanshree hathwar a monthly salary with doing any computer work, without investing any money online at all, R&AW, indian government making up FAKE STORIES of writing work for the last 10 years

In one greatest writing frauds in the world masterminded by google, tata, shivalli BRAHMIN bengaluru raw employee CHEATER HOUSEWIFE nayanshree hathwar is only COOKING, looking after her family ,RAW,indian government falsely claims that she is writing , owns the paypal, bank acount of a single woman engineer who she, her family, relatives, SUGAR DADDIES hate and CRIMINALLY DEFAME for the last 6 years
Writing work is very time consuming and raw/ntro/cbi/indian and karnataka government are aware that BRAHMIN bengaluru raw employee CHEATER HOUSEWIFE nayanshree hathwar is not spending any time writing at all like other fraud raw/cbi employees like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro
Instead the powerful LIAR SUGAR DADDIES j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, raw, cbi ntro , google, tata are hacking the laptop of the real writer who is spending 8-10 hours daily writing and then CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her falsely claiming that nayanshree and other raw/cbi employee who are not spending any time writing are doing the writing work, to pay them all a monthly salary at the expense of the writer.
Income tax returns, bank details and surveillance will LEGALLY expose the government writing fraud for the last 10 years, yet the government continues to dupe companies, countries and people with their fake claims, while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real writer, whose LIFE is destroyed because the government , wishes to pay nayanshree a monthly salary WITHOUT DOING ANY WORK, without investing any money

Outside india, countries acknowledge language skills of domain investor, only indian government wastes Rs 4 crore annually to criminally defame her

Outside india, most countries have the honesty and humanity to acknowledge the english language skills of the domain investor and pay her for the writing work she doing for citizens of the country.

only in India, allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian government is wasting Rs 4 crore of indian tax payer money annually for the last 10 years to CRIMINALLY DEFAME her that she is idle person with no skills, no income, harassing anyone who does business with her, and falsely claim that raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money online, own her domains, websites, paypal, bank account

Income tax returns will legally prove that the indian and state governments are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor, since she has a legal source of paypal income, which the LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees falsely claim to own.

DISHONEST Politicians, intelligence,security agency employees in goa, refuse to acknowledge that english WRITING skills are VALUED WORLDWIDE, criminally defame writers

In a clear indication of the extremely poor quality of the intelligence and security agency employees in india, leaders, especially goa, high levels of CORRUPTION , NEPOTISM in India, the government employees, leaders in goa do not have the grace and honesty to admit that english writing skills are valued worldwide and people will pay a person for writing well in english, though she may be ugly, old and fat

Translators and interpreters in any foreign language are paid well for their language skills, because they have taken the effort to improve their language skills in a language which is used extensively worldwide
Improving the language skills in a specific language takes a lot of effort and time, the person has to spend a lot of time reading, writing at their home, they have no time for other activities or causing problems.
yet the government employees,leaders especially in goa, refuse to acknowledge the fact that english writing skills are valuable, and just because their favorite goan CALL GIRLS goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, robber housewife riddhi nayak caro, school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, are good looking, charming, it does not mean that they have good english language writing skills

Everytime the writer is receiving paypal payment, she is tortured, causing insomnia in panaji, goa, the latest being on September 25, 2019 . This is because bribed by google, tata, the goan and indian government does not have the grace and humanity to acknowledge the english writing skills of the domain investor for the last ten years, and is wasting a huge amount of taxpayer money CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor, who is also a prolific writing with better than average english writing skills

Outside india, countries acknowledge language skills of domain investor, only indian government wastes Rs 4 crore annually to criminally defame her

Outside india, most countries have the honesty and humanity to acknowledge the english language skills, work ethic of the domain investor and pay her for the writing work she doing for citizens of the country.
only in India, allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian government is wasting Rs 4 crore of indian tax payer money annually for the last 10 years to CRIMINALLY DEFAME her, and falsely claim that raw/cbi employees and their lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan who do not spend any time and money online, own her domains, websites, paypal, bank account
Income tax returns will legally prove that the indian and state governments are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor, since she has a legal source of paypal income, which the LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees falsely claim to own.
It is an indication of the widespread CORRUPTION, NEPOTISM in India that google, tata are getting away with their BANKING FRAUD, sex, bribery racket for the last 10 years, no one is patriotic, honest enough to question the ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata employees on their paypal, banking fraud

Language writing skills are the most difficult to acquire

There are four aspects to learning a particular language
– understanding the spoken word
– speaking in the language
– reading
– writing in the language

It is universally agreed that writing properly in a particular language is the most difficult language skill for a person to acquire. The reading and writing speed of a person will vary depending on the proficiency of the person,it requires a lot of effort. Writing well is a valuable skill in any language, especially english which is the most widely spoken language in the world

yet bribed by google, tata, the indian government refuses to acknowledge the english language skills of the domain investor, is wasting Rs 4 crore of taxpayer money annually to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the domain investor and falsely claim that raw/cbi employees who do not have the english writing skills, do not spend time, own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor, to waste taxpayer money, paying all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor

It is an indication of the lack of professionalism and incompetence of the indian intelligence and security agency employees that they refuse to speak or ask a person to write in english, only rely on the person’s appearance to form a biased judgement of the person’s language skills.,

Indian security and intelligence agencies refuse to acknowledge that english writing skills are valuable and make fake claims about sex service providers, cheaters and liar raw/cbi employees who have poor english writing skills, while criminally defaming the real writer.

Gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan cannot speak english fluently, showing that she is uneducated

Though the indian government, google, tata propaganda machinery is promoting the Gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, ilegally married at 16 , is an experienced engineer from a top college, anyone speaking to her for 5 minutes will realize that she is not well educated, probably a SCHOOL DROPOUT.
Though they may have an accent, most experienced engineers from top colleges can speak in english fluently, while naina has an extremely limited vocabulary
since the government role model naina is mainly at home, talking to her sons in gujrati and her maidservant in hindi, she does not speak to many people in english to improve it
So though she has perfect skin, rosebud lips, speaking to naina expose her LACK of english language skills and also her lack of education
Yet the indian and goan government propaganda machinery continue to dupe people, companies and countries with their FAKE CLAIMS about the panaji school dropout cbi employee naina chandan

LAZY LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER gujju, goan raw employees nikhil, sunaina, refuse to admit writing skills of the domain investor

LAZY LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER gujju, goan bhandari raw employees nikhil, sunaina chodan, refuse to acknowledge the writing skills of the domain investor and continue to hysterically defame the domain investor

Instead of having the grace and honesty to admit that the domain investor is making money legally, bribed by google, tata, who have ruthlessly EXPLOITED the domain investor for 10 years to run a PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET, the security agencies in panaji continue to hysterically make fake allegations against the domain investor and monitor all her activities

The google. tata sponsored LAZY LIAR FRAUD goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, nikhil the son of the school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh and other frauds continue to waste their time monitoring the domain investor, trying to find proof against her. Whenever the domain investor is visiting her home, mailing address, both the young gujju and goan bhandari fraud are going to their associates in security agencies, who are then monitoring the house to find out if anyone is coming.

For 10 years, the CORRUPT LIAR indian security agencies have wasted Rs 4 crore annually trying to frame the domain investor and have not found any proof at all. Yet they refuse to admit their mistake and continue to waste taxpayer money resources in monitoring the domain investor.

The domain investor had come to Mumbai as a student, yet for 21 years she was allowed to live in peace, while in goa, though she lived for 17 years in goa before going to mumbai, has her father in goa, the security agency employees continue to hysterically make fake allegations and try to find NON-EXISTENT proof

The moment the domain investor will leave the house, the goan bhandari sex queen sunaina, young gujju fraudster nikhil, who are getting government salaries for falsely claiming to own her house, bank account are coming back to their homes indicating that in goa LAZY LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTERS are given great powers, raw/cbi salaries