Shameless sindhi scammers, gujju frauds have poor english skills, yet goa, indian government blindly believes all their lies to pay them monthly salaries

One of the reasons the domain investor is complaining is because of the goa, indian government policy of blindly believing in all the lies of the Shameless sindhi scammers, gujju frauds who have poor english skills to pay them monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer, who is criminally defamed especially in panaji, goa
For example the goa government is falsely claiming that their favorite sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nik chand, who have poor written english skills, own the domain investors iwriter account to pay the sindhi scammers a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor, writer
A collegedunia review by nik chand (name changed ) with terms like 100% grasping, well natured, “don’t go down well” clearly show that he does not have the english skills to get paid for the writing from customers outside india. The english skills of fraud brother karan, will be similar, and his school dropout mother liar naina will be even worse
Yet for the last 9 years, the panaji shameless scammer sindhi family is falsely claiming that they own the iwriter account of the single woman domain investor, writer who has no one to help or defend her against the shameless sindhi scammers, gujju fraudsters so that the sindhi scammer naina and her sons are getting a monthly government salary only for making fake claims
Google reviews of google’s favorite gujju domain fraudster amita patel also shows that her staff cannot speak english properly
In most families in india, english is not the mother tongue, to become proficient in english a lot of time and effort is required
When panaji top sindhi scammer family cannot write well in english why are google, tata, indian tech and internet companies making fake claims to get their favorite fraudsters naina, karan, nik chand monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real writer

Security agencies making fake claims about the language skills of sindhi school dropouts, goan call girls and other frauds

Indicating the worsening status of educated women professionals it can be legally proved that Indian government agencies, especially security agencies making up fake stories about the language skills, work ethic of sindhi scammer school dropout housewives, goan call girls and other frauds to get them monthly government salaries at the expense of hardworking older single woman professionals who have no one to help or defend themselves against shameless liar gujju, sindhi, goan fraud officials criminally defaming the skilled single woman professional
For example ntro, raw, cbi are aware that their favorite sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked rich husband, 16 years older than her, she along with her scammer sons karan, nikhil are not doing any kind of computer work at all, she cannot write well in english, yet are involved in CYBERCRIME, stealing information from the hardworking single woman and then falsely claiming that they are doing the work to get monthly government salaries at the expense of the single woman
To ensure that their CYBERCRIME, BANKING FRAUD is not exposed the greedy gujju, sindhi and goan fraudsters are criminally defaming the single woman in the worst manner, so that no one believes her though she is telling the truth, and are supported by google, tata, indian internet companies in their banking, written english skills, fraud cybercrime since 2012

Panaji top sindhi SCAMMER schooldropout cbi employee housewife naina chand shows off her broken english skills discussing vegetables, nepali maidservant with her christian neighbour

Though Panaji top sindhi SCAMMER schooldropout cbi employee housewife naina chand who looks like actress sneha wagh, along with her shameless scammer sons jio employee nikhil, karan chand have never invested any money in domains, do not do any computer work at all, due to the unlimited support of the shameless scammer sindhi, gujju community, google, tata, indian internet companies, panaji’s leading sindhi scammer family has got 3 raw/cbi jobs for FALSELY CLAIMING to own the paypal, bank account, domains of a single woman engineer who has no one to help or defend her against the shameless sindhi scammers, greedy gujjus, google, tata, internet companies

After the post exposing google, tata’s favorite sindhi scammer naina, she tried to show off her english skills, so that the fraud family could continue to faking ownership of the domains. Though cbi continues with its fraud of making fake claims about its school dropout employee naina and her fraud family, other than cooking, cleaning, socializing there is nothing else the goa governments favorite sindhi scammer can talk about, since she does not control any bank account

The only people sindhi scammer naina is speaking to in english are her christian neighbours and she was discussing vegetables with them in english, her new nepali servant, yet government agencies continue to criminally defame the real domain investor for 9 years, forcing the domain investor to expose the LIAR goa government employees. After the video of the outsourced aloe vera plant robbery by sindhi scammer naina’s muslim servant from chimbel became viral in 2020, a large number of different nepali and indian servants are working in the house of india’s top sindhi scammer naina chandan, usually for only a few days or weeks.

. Albertina Almeida and herald should feature the great goan work at home fraud since 2012, how the panaji sindhi scammers, goan and other frauds are CHEATING, EXPLOITING the domain investor, faking domain, bank account ownership, computer work in a clear case of labor law violations

It’s Not Always a Good Idea to Do It Yourself

Some people rush off to call someone whenever they need to have something installed, but I always try to do it myself. Even though I don’t know about everything, I am willing to learn and will look at lots of videos and read online material in an attempt to learn how to properly install things. Sometimes it goes in my favor, and sometimes it doesn’t. I needed an air conditioner installation in NYC for my most recent attempt because it didn’t go so well. Things started out fairly normal, but I ran into some snags and couldn’t figure out what to do.

The idea of hooking up an air conditioner as an amateur sounded simple, as I thought that if I simply followed the instructions and everything would be fine. I thought I was connecting everything correctly, but nothing would work, and I was having trouble wiring everything. Out of frustration and the fear that I would make things worse than they were, I gave up and looked for a company to do the installation for me. There’s no shame in admitting defeat, as long as you do it in time and learn the right lesson from it. In this case, the lesson was that air conditioner installations are better left to professionals.

The workers from the company that I called told me that it was a good thing that I gave them a call before going any further, because I could have made a mistake would have been terrible. They told me that many other people have tried to install their own air conditioners, and the results have not been pretty, with some of them being seriously injured. A bit of faulty wiring in one location or a loose pipe connection in another location can easily lead to home damage or personal harm.

Speaking in college level english will expose school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, indian internet sectors, SKILLS FRAUD

Indian internet sector continues with EDUCATIONAL, SKILLS FRAUD making fake claims about the english skills of panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina chandan

One of the best indications that the indian tech and internet companies led by google, tata, jio are LIARS, FRAUDS is how they are EDUCATIONAL, SKILLS FRAUD making fake claims about the english skills of panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina chand who looks like actress sneha wagh, to give the shameless sindhi scammer great powers, monthly government salary

Panaji’s most shameless sindhi scammer naina chandan, cannot even speak english fluently, since the panaji sindhi scammer naina was born in kolhapur, and studied in a marathi medium school, till eighth standard when she stopped studying to get illegally married at the age of 16, to her scammer xerox shop owning husband, pran chandan, 16 years older to her and goa’s top BRIBE GIVER
Yet showing that top indian internet sector officials and companies are pathological LIARS, FRAUDS , since 2012, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi, jio, the shameless scammer sindhi, gujju community has been making FAKE stories about the sindhi scammer naina, her lazy fraud sons karan, jio employee nikhil chand, to get the shameless fraud family monthly government salaries at the expense of a single woman engineer, domain investor who has no one to help or defend herself against shameless scammer sindhi, gujju community, google, tata, jio, indian internet companies

So though the panaji sindhi, gujju community is promoting the sindhi scammer naina chandan extensively with their fake stories, one of the best ways to expose her lack of education is to speak to her in college level english

R&AW, cbi, ntro are making FAKE CLAIMS about english, computer skills of tata power employee guruprasad’s wife, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree to pay her a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper

In india, large corporates like tata are controlling R&AW, ntro, cbi completely and getting government jobs for the lazy greedy fraud wives of the employees, with FAKE bank account, fake resume, fake skills, fake work since 2010, in one of the greatest work at home frauds in the world
R&AW, cbi, ntro are making FAKE CLAIMS about english, computer skills of tata power employee guruprasad’s wife, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree to pay her a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper since 2013
R&AW, cbi, ntro are aware that tata power employee guruprasad’s wife, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband guruprasad, she does no computer, writing work at all,has no online income at all
yet taking advantage of thefact that the goa 1989 jee topper has no one to help or defend herself against fraud companies like google, tata, cheater shivalli brahmin men like guruprasad, hathwar, kodancha, j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet these fraud government agencies are falsely claiming that the bengaluru;s top brahmin cheater nayanshree , with no online income, owns the bank account of the goa 1989 jee topper to pay the bengaluru brahmin fraud a monthly raw salary at the expense of teh single woman engineer in a clear case of government FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations since 2013

pritesh chodankar greedy LIAR shameless goan bhandari officials making fake claims about goan bhandari fraud teji with no english writing skills

led by fraud pritesh chodankar greedy LIAR shameless goan bhandari officials making fake claims about goan bhandari fraud teji with no computer,english writing skills
One of the main problems living in panaji goa, is led by fraud pritesh chodankar greedy LIAR shameless goan bhandari officials are pathological LIARS, shameless FRAUDS making completely fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud relatives with no computer, writing skills, no work ethic, while criminally defaming hardworking skilled non-goan bhandari professionals like the goa 1989 jee topper
the shameless scammer greedy goan bhandari officials are aware that their lazy greedy fraud relatives like goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, her scammer sisters piyu, purvi, cousin teji do not any computer work at all, yet being SHAMELESS SCAMMERS, LIARS, pritesh chodankar, naik and othe fraud goan bhandari officials have been openly involved in a massive computer work fraud since 2012
It is an indication of the high levels of FRAUD, CORRUPTION in goan society, media and government, that no one is questioning these scammers, why they are making fake claims of computer work, so this posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are not DUPED by these shameless scammer officials

Panaji sindhi scammer SCHOOL DROPOUT housewife naina chandan cannot even speak fluent english, yet ntro,raw, cbi are making fake claims about their favorite sindhi scammer employee

Shameless fraud ntro/raw employees like gujju scammer tushar parekh make FAKE CLAIMS about english, computer, online skills of kolhapur born sindhi scammer SCHOOL DROPOUT naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh to get her monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor who tushar parekh, all raw/cbi/ntro employees hate

One of the best indications that ntro,raw, cbi employees are section 420 frauds and liars is how these fraud indian government are making FAKE CLAIMS about english, computer, online skills of kolhapur born sindhi scammer SCHOOL DROPOUT housewife naina chandan who is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked shameless scammer xerox shop owning husband pran chandan, chatting on phone in sindhi, gujju, marathi and konkani to her friends and relatives

Like her scammer shameless sons karan, nikhil, the panaji sindhi scammer naina does not do any kind of computer work, does not invest in domains, and when she tries to speak to a neighbour in english, it is very obvious that she is not fluent in english. yet indicating the extremely levels of fraud of ntro, raw, cbi, they continue to make up fake stories that the panaji sindhi scammer naina , with no english skills, is a prolific writer to commit a FINANCIAL FRAUD on the real writer and get the sindhi scammer housewife a monthly government salary.

In goa, writers who are not doing writing work at their mailing address fight FINANCIAL FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION

Goa government employees involved in FINANCIAL fraud of linking mailing address with writer location to cheat, exploit, criminally defame some writers
The domain investor, writer is protesting loudly because alleegdly bribed by sundar pichai led google, Goa government involved in FINANCIAL fraud of linking mailing address with writer location to cheat, exploit, criminally defame some writers
People may not reside at their mailing address due to personal reasons, high crime rate, they are free to write at any any home, almost all writers, including extremely famous writers like Chetan Bhagat are writing from home, it is also work, since writing is very time consuming
Just because a citizen is writing from home, it does not mean that the government has the right to criminally defame the citizen, commit labor law violations and falsely claim that the writing work is done by some high status, well connected fraud like nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan who is not spending any time writing, has no writing skills.

The writer will always give their own bank details, yet in goa the money trail is ignored and government agencies blindly believe in cybercriminal liars making fake claims of writing when they do not spend any time writing. Yet indicating rampant writing fraud in the indian internet, tech sector, the writing fraud on the domain investor has continued for more than 8 years without being questioned at all.