Writing clients worldwide informed about indian government english writing skills fraud on citizens, especially in goa

All writing clients informed about indian government iwriter, paypal, banking fraud on writers
IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian tech and internet companies are openly involved in iwriter, paypal, banking fraud, falsely claiming that lazy liar fraud raw/cbi employees who do not any writing work at all, own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of a private citizen, who is criminally defamed in the worst manner, denied a life of dignity
Despite protesting for more than 7 years, the indian government refuses to end the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD on the hardworking private citizen, making it difficult to lead a normal life or focus on the writing work
The goa government is also openly involved in a major writing fraud, falsely linking the identity, skills of a citizen, with the place where the person is, when writing work can be done at home anywhere . Just because the domain investor is not doing the writing work at her mailing address, the goa government is openly involved in labor law violations, FINANCIAL FRAUD falsely claiming that the iwriter, paypal, bank account of the writer belongs to the lazy greedy fraud relatives of greedy goa government employees like robber riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi, and bribe givers like naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil who do no writing work at all

So now the domain investor is informing all her clients about the indian, goan government financial, writing, iwriter fraud on her, so that they are aware of how the indian government is criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting the real writers and making fake claims about fraud raw/cbi employees who do no writing work at all.

indian government, NTRO, RAW continues its LANGUAGE SKILLS FRAUD making FAKE claims about its bengaluru brahmin cheater employeee nayanshree housewife nayanshree hathwar


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The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS pathological LIAR brahmin, bania officials

One of the greatest FINANCIAL,ONLINE FRAUDS is how the indian government, NTRO, RAW is involved in a major LANGUAGE SKILLS FRAUD making FAKE claims its bengaluru brahmin cheater employeee nayanshree housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 BBM from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi who has extremely poor english language skills ,who is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING and does not do any computer work at all
Yet the indian government, NTRO, RAW is BRAZENLY involved in a massive BANKING, WRITING, FINANCIAL fraud , falsely claiming that the bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, who does no computer work, owns the paypal, bank, iwriter account, of a single non- goan bhandari woman engineer, domain investor, who she and her family hates, criminally defames to pay nayanshree a monthly raw salary at the expense of the single woman.
In a clear example of BRAHMIN ATROCITIES, the ntro, raw, indian government employees are repeating the LIES of the SOCIOPATH liar brahmin ntro employees mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, who HATE their kshatriya btech 1993 ee classmate, and are involved in PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT of giving FAKE REFERENCES to well connected brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, and falsely claim that the brahmin cheater who does no writing work owns the IWRITER account 137870 of their btech 1993 ee classmate to humiliate, cheat, EXPLOIT their classmate who they hate.
Already nayanshree’s powerful fraud relatives and the brahmin ntro employees have ensured that the single woman engineer does not get any paid work in India, and these brahmin fraud NTRO employees are making FAKE CLAIMS about the engineers BANK account to get the brahmin cheater nayanshree a monthly raw salary at the expense of their kshatriya btech 1993 ee classmate

Like actor sushant singh rajput the single woman engineer is cheated, exploited and humiliated by the google, tata sponsored lazy fraud raw/cbi employees like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, ruchika kinge, goan bhandari sunaina chodan who falsely claim to own her BANK account. Hence this is posted as a FRAUD ALERT sinced d indian government, NTRO, RAW continues its LANGUAGE SKILLS FRAUD making FAKE claims about its bengaluru brahmin cheater employeee nayanshree housewife nayanshree hathwar, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan and others

Despite being a magazine, India today refuses to question goa government on its fraud on writers since 2013


India today is ranking goa as the top small state, yet the goa government is openly involved in a writing, FINANCIAL FRAUD on a single woman writer since 2012 making fake claims about her paypal, bank account, online account, and the writing work she does
The single woman engineer, who doing writing work, because of the lack of suitable opportunities in panaji, goa, a small town is a prolific writer, spending 8-10 hours daily writing, and has alone written more than 4000 articles for customers worldwide (proof can be provided)

Yet in a clear case of government FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violation, with the help of CYBERCRIMINAL indian tech, internet companies, various high status frauds in panaji, especially the relatives of top security agency employees, and panaji’s top sindhi BRIBE govers, are falsely claiming to own the online account, domains, websites, paypal, bank account of the single woman and getting government salaries.

Multiple sources have confirmed that they are getting salaries, in one case, the domain investor has personally seen the sindhi scammers come back with salary slips for making fake claims after criminally defaming her. The shameless goan and sindhi scammer government employees are not doing any kind of computer work at all, have no online income, yet the goa security and intelligence agency employees are getting HUGE BRIBES so they are making FAKE CLAIMS about the panaji sindhi scammers, and their lazy fraud relatives

The real writer is only asking the goa government to check the bank details, pan, income tax returns of the different fraud raw/cbi employees who are falsely claiming to own her bank account, credit cards, yet the goa government is so CORRUPT, DISHONEST that it has refused to end the WRITING, FINANCIAL FRAUD for the last 7 years, or verify the details of the fraud goan, sindhi government employees
India today is a magazine which has a large number of employees who are mainly doing writing work, and it is aware that for the writing work, skills are required, a lot of time is spent, yet some state governments, especially in goa, are extremely brazen in their financial fraud on writers, making fake claims about their bank account, writing work to extort BRIBES from high status well connected frauds

NTRO, raw, cbi’s iwriter, paypal, banking fraud since 2013, forces writers to complain to their clients worldwide

One of best indications that the indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are section 420 frauds and liars, is how they stealing all the data of the real writer, and then falsely claiming that nayanshree, the wife of a tata power employee, housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil and other raw/cbi employees who do no writing work at all, own the iwriter, paypal, bank account of a private citizen to get them monthly raw/cbi salaries

Indian internet and tech companies show that they are greater online fraudsters than the nigerian fraudsters when they criminally defame the real writer in the worst possible manner, refuse to acknowledge their skills, the time they spend writing, instead spreading completely false rumors denying the real writer a life of dignity, making it impossible to hire anyone especially in panaji, goa where the criminal defamation is the worst.

Though the skilled hardworking writer has plenty of work, she cannot complete the work, because she does not have time and it is not possible to hire anyone in panaji, goa because of the criminal defamation. So the writer is forced to inform her clients worldwide that she cannot complete the work quickly because of the goa, indian government writing fraud on her, criminal defamation since 2013 indicating the terrible business conditions in goa.

So though the goan media will never acknowledge it, the government policy of allowing greedy goa government employees like caro, nayak, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, naik, criminally defame hardworking skilled citizens like the iwriter account holder 137870, in the worst manner, denying them a life of dignity, is the real reason for the lack of jobs in goa

Writers productivity, work quality adversely affected due to indian, state government WRITING, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations

NTRO, raw, cbi’s iwriter, writing fraud on some writers leads to frustration, reduces their productivity, quality of work
Allegedly BRIBED by google, tata, indian tech and internet companies NTRO, raw, cbi are openly involved iwriter, writing fraud, cybercrime on some writers like iwriter account 137870, which leads to frustration, reduces their productivity, quality of work
The ntro, raw, cbi employees are beating ex-google engineer anthony levandowski in stealing all the data of the real writer, then criminally defaming the real writer in the worst manner, spreading fake stories about her mental health, and then falsely claiming that they own the iwriter, paypal,bank account of the real writer, to get monthly government salaries
In reality the real writer is normal, since she alone is doing all the writing work, yet in a clear cases of labor law violations, skills fraud, the indian and specifically goan government refuses to acknowledge the older single woman who is actually spending her time writing, and are falsely claiming that various high status frauds are doing the writing work, to pay them monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer.
This financial, writing fraud of the goan, indian government has led to a lot of frustration for the real writer, reducing her productivity and adversely affecting the quality of her work.
Yet indicating the complete lack of honesty and humanity of ntro, raw, cbi, indian tech and internet companies, they refuse to admit that there is something wrong in making fake claims of writing work, bank account denying the real writer a life of dignity.

After panaji sindhi scammer SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee’s naina chandan poor english skills exposed her fraud, Tiktok star pooja chavan went for english speaking course

Though some of the most powerful indian tech, internet companies led by google,tata, top officials, the entire gujju/sindhi community in panaji goa supported panaji sindhi scammer SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, in her identity theft fraud of faking a btech 1993 ee degree, engineering experience, domain ownership,paypal account,naina chandan’s poor english skills showed that she was not very well educated

So though the intelligence agencies, indian internet companies supported naina in her impersonation, identity theft fraud, it was obvious that she was a liar since naina does not speak english fluently though she is fairskinned. So after naina’s fraud was exposed, Tiktok star pooja chavan went for an english speaking course in Pune, to learn to speak english fluently so that her education levels were not exposed.

However, pooja chavan was found dead in mysterious circumstances.

Lazy greedy young people in goa lack english skills, yet hardworking skilled writers are CRIMINALLY DEFAMED, insulted by greedy goa government employees

Instead of admitting that young people in goa are lazy and lack skills, greedy goa government employees criminally defame, insult hardworking skilled writers, investors,denying them a life of dignity
Insteading of admitting that young goans are lazy, do not have english skills, greedy goa government employees, ntro criminally defame, insult hardworking skilled writers, investors
The complaints of the 7 time Lok Sabha MP Mohan Delkar regarding “injustice, insult, partiality” are especially relevant in the indian internet sector and in goa. Instead of admitting that greedy young goans are lazy, do not have english skills so no one can hire them , greedy goa government, ntro employees led by the mhow monster criminally defame, insult hardworking skilled writers, investors, falsely claiming that the lack of employees indicates that the investor will not get anyone to work with them.
These LIAR greedy goa government, ntro, RAW,cbi employees are openly involved in labor law violations,CYBERCRIME falsely claiming that young people, lazy greedy housewives and other frauds like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan, who do not spend any time doing the computer work, after stealing all the data from the real writer
To cover up the labor law violations, the greedy government employees are criminally defaming, insulting the real writer in the worst possible manner, spreading false rumors without any kind of legally valid proof.

English language skills show that panaji sindhi scammer cbi employee housewife naina chandan, is only a school dropout who did not want to study beyond eighth standard

Audacious educational fraud of sindhi school dropout cbi employee naina chandan indicates how ruthless gujju/sindhi officials are in cheating women engineers from poorer communities

Usually while speaking to a person, it is clear how educated the person is. People who have spoken the domain investor , even for the first time, told her, that she must be very highly educated.
yet indicating the extremely ruthlessnesss and greed of the gujju/sindhi officials especially in panaji, goa they have managed to get a cbi job for a lazy greedy sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, after making up fake stories that the school dropout is an experienced engineer, while criminally defaming the real engineer from a poor community in the worst manner
Speaking to panaji’s top sindhi scammer naina it is clear that she is only a school dropout, with no english language skills, yet the indian, goa government is completely controlled by the gujju/sindhi liar officials, that they continue to make fake claims and get the sindhi scammer a monthly government salary for faking an engineering degree, experience
It is an indication of the rot in indian government, society, that R&AW refuses to question its gujju employee tushar parekh why he is falsely claiming that a panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina, least interested in studying beyond eighth standard, was his btech 1993 ee classmate from india’s top engineering college to get the school dropout a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real engineer

So though the india, goan government,LIAR gujju/sindhi community, officials, leaders are spreading false rumors that panaji’s top sindhi scammer school dropout is an experienced engineer to justify the wastage of indian taxpayer money, speaking to the goa government’s favorite sindhi school dropout in english for 10-15 minutes continuously will prove that she is only a school dropout who did not want to study beyond eighth standard , yet is supported by the powerful LIAR gujju/sindhi community in her endless frauds, lies.

panaji sindhi scammer brothers raw/cbi employees nikhil, karan chandan are using stolen data to make FAKE CLAIMS of computer, writing work, get monthly salaries

panaji sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan chandan are trade secret ROBBERS worse than ex-google engineer anthony levandowski ,using stolen data to make fake claims of writing, computer work, domain investment

When their fraud family is filing fake dengue complaints against the domain investor, can the goa government explain why their favorite sindhi scammer brothers will work for domain investor for free
One of the greatest online, financial frauds, is how the goa government is falsely claiming that their favorite sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil chandan, who do not do any computer work at all, are working for the domain investor, to justify the payment of a monthly government salary to the sindhi scammers and their fraud mother school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh
In reality the panaji sindhi scammer family hates the domain investor, a single woman engineer, have done everything possible to destroy her life and reputation.
The sindhi scammers have been criminally defaming her in the worst possible manner in panaji, circulating photos, videos, filing fake dengue complaints with the health department and threatening arrest for growing plants

No one circulates defamatory videos, photos of their friend, a person they like or are helping, to ruin the person’s reputation. Yet indicating the audacity of the sindhi scammers they are still shameless enough, to falsely claim that they are working for the domain investor , when actually they are using STOLEN DATA to make fake claims and get monthly salaries

why does no one in goa ask panaji sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan chandan why they do not ask their biological school dropout mother cbi employee naina chandan to open a bank account for them, why is the goa government blindly believing in the lies of the panaji sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan chandan who are greater trade secret ROBBERS ex-google engineer anthony levandowski , and then use the stolen data to make fake claims

Collegedunia review exposed the english SKILLS FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper by brahmin, bania ntro/raw/cbi employees led by brahmin mhow monster puneet

Taking advantage of the fact that kshatriya leaders, officials do not have the honesty and humanity to defend kshatriya engineers with a good JEE rank against CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of LIAR brahmin, bania ntro/raw/cbi employees led by brahmin mhow monster puneet, these LIAR brahmin, bania ntro/raw/cbi employees are openly involved in both SKILLS FRAUD and labor law violations on the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010

FAKING help for the goa 1989 jee topper, his btech 1993 ee classmate from india’s top engineering college, who he actually HATED, the brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet was extremely cunning and ruthless in his financial, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations, on the hardworking single woman engineer, belittling her, and then falsely claiming that everyone else including his school dropout girlfriend sindhi scammer naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, goan bhandari sunaina chodan had the same skills to get all his girlfriends raw/cbi jobs at the expense of goa 1989 jee topper

The single woman engineer was also mentally tortured in the worst manner,
Only when the Collegedunia reviews were checked the skills fraud of mhow monster puneet and other brahmin/bania raw/cbi/ntro employees, google, tata were exposed. One of the raw employee sindhi scammer nik, who R&AW, goa government falsely claims owns the bank account, of the goa 1989 jee topper, to pay the sindhi scammer nik a monthly government salary had written his college review using his real name.,
The review clearly exposed the english language skills of the fraud sindhi scammer R&AW employee nik, he does not well like most indians, most students, no one will pay for his articles, yet the brahmin, bania ntro/raw/cbi employees are making fake claims about his english language skills to pay him a monthly government salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper, who writes well.
Though his fraud xerox shop owning father and mother sindhi scammer naina chandan have sent the sindhi scammer R&AW employee nik, to the better schools, colleges in panaji and mapusa, his written english language skills are not very good. His kolhapur born mother school dropout cbi employee naina chandan is only eighth standard pass, so her english will be even worse, yet ntro, raw, cbi , google, tata, indian internet companies continue with their massive SKILLS FRAUD, making completely fake claims about the panaji sindhi scammer family to get them raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper.