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Fake verbal claims used by indian intelligence agencies to hire employees

It is widely believed that india remained a laggard in terms of technology after the fifteenth century because of casteism and writing, reading was limited to the brahmins, those making the equipment could not read and write, had to rely on their memory. It is usually not possible to design very well based on memory, however casteism in India was fairly rigid and brahmins were ruthless in suppressing the other castes in India.
During the british rule of india, there was some change in the attitute , however in so called independent india, in 2017, the country appears to have regressed and again indian intelligence employees are hired based on the fake verbal claims of the mainly brahmin NTRO employees, especially in the indian internet sector.

Single women domain investors, engineers are the worst affected by the fake verbal claims of powerful fraud ntro employees who shamelessly steal their resume, investment misusing their names.

Language skills , defamation, cheating, exploitation of a harmless google competitor

The language skills of a person for a particular language consist of
– reading
– writing
– speaking
– understanding

In india, the all powerful indian intelligence and security agencies only value the verbal communication skills of a person, his or her speaking style, all other language skills are not valued. The problem is worst for those with good written English skills, as the powerful intelligence and security agency employees will put them under surveillance, and then falsely claim that their lazy greedy mediocre relatives and friends are writing the content to get them lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with monthly salary and great powers

For example the domain investor, google competitor actually owning this website was cheated of Rs 1,1 lakh by the google, tata sponsored shivalli brahmin bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of a former tata power special electronics division employee. Instead of being punished for her fraud NTRO, CBI, google, tata rewarded the well connected shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar with a R&AW job falsely claiming that the brahmin cheater housewife was writing all the content for the websites of the google competitor.

After pocketing the hard earned money of the google competitor, brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar refused to reply to the google competitor, yet her powerful fraud friends and relatives like hathwar, kodancha, puneet are shameless liars, frauds, continue to make fake claims so that the brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar is getting a monthly R&AW salary without doing any work at the expense of the google competitor who she cheated and refused to reply

Income tax returns, bank details will prove that shivalli brahmin cheater R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar, and other google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW?CBI employees especially goan frauds riddhi nayak, sex workers siddhi sunaina, naina, are not doing any work online at all, and are not making any money online, however google, tata, NTRO employees are the greatest section 420 frauds, and liars in the world shamelessly repeating lies like parrots since 2010, wasting crores of indian tax payer in process.

This clearly indicates how ruthless google is in destroying the life, finances and reputation of any google competitor, refusing to acknowledge the language skills of a harmless google competitor and spreading defamatory false rumors