karnataka officials commit CYBERCRIME to get bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree R&AW job faking writing work

SHAMELESS SCAMMER shivalli brahmins led by hathwar, kodancha continue their CYBERCRIME, WRITING FRAUD to get their lazy greedy fraud relative nayanshree no work, no investment government job In one of the greatest online, FINANCIALFRAUDS, CYBERCRIME RACKETS in India,SHAMELESS SCAMMER shivalli brahmins continue their CYBERCRIME, WRITING FRAUD to get their lazy greedy fraud relative nayanshree no work, no investment government job at the expense of a hardworking single woman engineer in a clear example of the karnataka government atrocities on marathi speaking professionals/investors from north karnataka
one of the greatest online, financial frauds of R&AW, indian government since 2012 is how it is falsely claiming that bengaluru top CHEATER housewife shamelesss shivalli brahmin housewife raw employee nayanshree, 2005 bbm, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad who does no writing work at all,is writing the content for all the websites of a single woman engineer, domain investor to pay the shameless scammer shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree,a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer
The karnataka government is allegedly repeating the lies of the brahmin fraud government employees puneet,roll no 435, j srinivasan roll no 438,who hate the domain investor, their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay,so are putting her under surveillance to steal her data and then falsely claiming that bengaluru cheater nayanshree, only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband is doing the writing work in a case of government SLAVERY and getting her a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman
In another example of the karnataka government atrocities on marathi speaking bhandari profesionals/investors from north karnataka, the government is also getting massive bribes from the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani and her scammer sons karan, nikhil and has got them government jobs faking domain ownership though the karnataka government is aware that the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani and her scammer sons karan, nikhil do not pay any money for domains at all
The karnataka government is aware that bengaluru top CHEATER housewife shamelesss shivalli brahmin housewife raw employee nayanshree is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, does no writing work at all, yet is openly involved in cybercrime like the goa, haryana,madhya pradesh, gujarat government on a single woman engineer to get bengaluru’s top cheater nayanshree a no work, no investment government job the expense of the single woman engineer

Bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree fakes writing skills, work to get government salary for 9 years at expense of hardworking single woman engineer

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Shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree provided content only for 6 months, yet she is getting credit, salary for 9 years in writing fraud
The rich and powerful communities in india are only supporting greedy shameless scammer bhandari officials, leaders like pritesh chodankar, naik who beat them in criminally defaming hardworking honest bhandari professionals, so that they can cheat, exploit and rob hardworking bhandari professionals without being questioned to get lucrative government jobs with monthly salary without investing any money, without doing any computer work at all, after criminally defaming the hardworking professional in the worst manner.
In all other communities, the leaders, officials will defend the hardworking professionals when they are falsely accused, only in the case of bhandari professionals, their leaders and officials like pritesh chodankar refuse to defend the professionals,instead joining the rich, powerful communities in character assasination of the bhandari professional
This allows the shivalli brahmins to commit a massive financial fraud on a hardworking single woman engineer since 2013, to get a shivalli brahmin cheater housewife, a monthly government salary without doing any computer work, without investing any money online. The government agencies, internet and tech companies were aware that shivalli brahmin cheater housewife, nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad was only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, yet taking advantage of the lack of honest, bhandari/obc leaders, officials, the shivalli brahmin officials falsely claimed that nayanshree, a cheater owned the iwriter,paypal, bank account of a hardworking single woman engineer to get nayanshree a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman for 9 years without being questioned
In reality the top bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree only provided content for 6 months in 2011-2012, like other frauds, she refused to reply to the single woman engineer after her fraud boyfriends, relatives, stole the single woman engineers savings in 2012. Yet showng how ruthless the shivalli brahmins, gujjus,sindhis and others are in cheating the hardworking single woman, they falsely claimed that cheater nayanshree, only cooking, cleaning was doing the writing work to get her a monthly government salary without spending any time.
Now to cover up the great shivalli brahmin writing fraud, the internet connection is blocked. The domain investor is not the only one cheated by the shivalli brahmins, at shivallibrahmins.com, a writer admits that the lower castes in karnataka are complaining about exploitation by shivalli brahmins

Cruel CUNNING CHEATER top government employee puneet extremely aggressive in DUPING countries,companies with fake stories of writing work

Though they get a very good salary and pension, Cruel CUNNING CHEATER top government employees like puneet are extremely ruthless in cheating, exploiting and robbing indian citizens who make very less money, especially his engineering college classmate who he HATES
In addition to making up FAKE STORIES of domain ownership to get his greedy gujju girlfriend amita patel and other frauds, raw/cbi jobs at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate, Cruel CUNNING CHEATER top government employee puneet extremely aggressive in DUPING countries,companies with fake stories of writing work to get his lazy greedy girlfriends lucrative government jobs with monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer, his btech 1993 ee classmate who he has cheated, exploited and robbed in the worst manner since 2010.

Though he is aware that his lazy greedy girlfriends like bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree,. are not doing any writing work, he is so ruthless in CHEATING,EXPLOITING his btech 1993 ee classmate that he continues to steal her data and make fake claims to dupe government agencies, countries, companies .

Being an excellent singer, performer, he is also an expert in manipulating people, so he is also slandering his female btech 1993 ee classmate, always belittling, ridiculing her, to ruin her reputation so that no one believes her,and he is also training all his associates to slander her, so that he and his associates can CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB her for the rest of her life

Cruel CUNNING CHEATER top government employee puneet extremely aggressive in DUPING countries,companies with fake stories of writing work

Though they get a very good salary and pension, Cruel CUNNING CHEATER top government employees like puneet are extremely ruthless in cheating, exploiting and robbing indian citizens who make very less money, especially his engineering college classmate who he HATES
In addition to making up FAKE STORIES of domain ownership to get his greedy gujju girlfriend amita patel and other frauds, raw/cbi jobs at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate, Cruel CUNNING CHEATER top government employee puneet extremely aggressive in DUPING countries,companies with fake stories of writing work to get his lazy greedy girlfriends lucrative government jobs with monthly salaries at the expense of the real writer, his btech 1993 ee classmate who he has cheated, exploited and robbed in the worst manner since 2010.
Though he is aware that his lazy greedy girlfriends like bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree,wife of tata power employee fraud guruprasad, are not doing any writing work, he is so ruthless in CHEATING,EXPLOITING his btech 1993 ee classmate that he continues to steal her data and make fake claims.
Being an excellent singer, performer, he is also an expert in manipulating people, so he is also slandering his female btech 1993 ee classmate, always belittling, ridiculing her, to ruin her reputation so that no one believes her,and he is also training all his associates to slander her, so that he and his associates can CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB her for the rest of her life
Fighting the endless frauds of LIAR top government employee puneet has adversely affected the online business and its revenues have reduced greatly.

Iwriters new invoicing system proof of massive government language skills, WRITING FRAUD in india since 2010

Indicating the extent of the massive writing fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010, raw/cbi are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy employees who do no writing work, own the iwriter account of a hardworking single woman engineer , to pay them a monthly government salary, while the real writer is slandered in the worst manner in multiple states to cover up the writing fraud, government SLAVERY racket
Since cover up the massive government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian internet sector, the liar top government employees in multiple like cheater caro, nayak, cheater chodankar, mandrekar,naik, hathwar, kodancha are hysterically making all kinds of fake allegations against the real writer like money laundering, black money and security threat, to cheat, exploit, rob the writer and get their lazy greedy relative no work, no investment government jobs faking writing work
It appears that tired of the endless harassment, Iwriter decided to use Tiplati for accounting, so that it could show that genuine writers were getting paid for the time they spent.
Though the Iwriter work has reduced to a very great extent, since raw/cbi are ruthless in harassing, defaming the real writer to cover up the banking fraud of their lazy greedy employees like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, the new system provides some information about the number of writers who are paid weekly.
Based on the difference in the invoice numbers approximately 192 writers are being paid weekly, This exposes the great goa writing fraud on the domain investor since 2010, with the goa government falsely claiming that the relatives of cheater chodankar , tejas, sunaina, priya, puja chodan , sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, josh, maria, bengaluru brahmin cheater and other well connected frauds, who do not spend any time at all, are doing the writing work, to pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real writer, who was slandered, cheated, exploited and humiliated in the worst manner.
There are only 192 writers from different countries worldwide getting paid weekly for writing, yet raw/cbi are so ruthless in their fraud on indian writers that the government refuses to end its writing fraud on the real writer

Inspired by bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree and other raw/cbi employees, gujju students fake english skills

Indicating widespread fraud levels in indian society which the mainstream media refuses to cover, raw/cbi employees like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree , 2005 bbm, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, are openly involved in cybercrime, banking fraud, falsely claiming that they are doing writing work for clients outside india when they lack the english skills and nayanshree , like other housewive raw/cbi employees is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, guruprasad,
Though the real writer is protesting against the english writing fraud, indian government agencies continue with their writing fraud, government SLAVERY to waste taxpayer money with indian tech and internet companies allegedly google, tata being the biggest supporters of the english writing fraudster raw/cbi employeees since 2013.
It appears that the government policy of rewarding faking english skills has inspired a large number of young people, the media reported that some gujju students with very good IELTS scores, were rescued in the united states, and the rescuers found that these students could not speak in english, despite their excellent scores.So a hindi translator was hired, and the media reported that they may have faked their english scores to get admission
While the mainstream media covers the gujju students extensively they refuse to cover raw/cbi’s policy of paying salaries to frauds faking their educational qualificaton, english writing skills, just like the gujju students

haryana mba hr ruchita working in vinove, deloitte, niit, conduent, optum, fakes iwriter account, gets raw salary

greedy deloitte employee fraud haryana mba hr ruchita kinge openly involved in massive iwriter, paypal, banking fraud since 2012
In a clear indication of the massive corruption in indian intelligence agencies especially raw/cbi, greedy deloitte employee haryana mba hr ruchita kinge openly involved in massive iwriter, paypal, banking fraud since 2012 to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder
The cunning cheater haryana mba ruchita only provided some content to the real writer, engineer in 2011-12 after which fraud haryana mba hr ruchita kinge cheater boyfriends puneet, verma, arya, sumeet stole the retirement savings of the single woman and got haryana top fraud mba ruchita a raw job falsely claiming that the fraud mba had the resume, savings of the engineer , and haryana scammer ruchita kinge refused to reply to the engineer

Though she was getting a very good salary of Rs 10-15 lakh from vinove, deloitte, niit, conduent, optum, acording to her linkedin profile, online information there is no limit to the extreme greed of fraud haryana mba hr ruchita kinge, falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the single woman she robbed to get a monthly raw salary since 2012 at the expense of the single woman who actually owns the paypal, bank account
to cover up the writing fraud, haryana animal mba hr ruchita kinge and her fraud boyfriends are criminally defaming the real writer, a hardworking single woman, spreading fake rumors about cheating, mental health

Though greedy fraud ruchita has not written any content, raw is making fake claims about its cheater employee ruchita kinge fraud haryana mba
to give the fraud control of all content in india at the expense of the real writer, who is facing problems getting work because of the haryana animal ruchita kinge;’s writing fraud

Advantages and Specific Knowledge About the Air Source Heat Pump

The air source heat pump s are simpler devices and provide hot or cold air directly to one or two internal spaces of your residence, being able to work in apartment or building environments, as well as in residences such as houses and townhouses.

Thus, we can say that air source heat pumps are used to provide heating and cooling indoors and sometimes even outdoors, even in colder climates, and can be used efficiently for heating water in milder climates, that is, even hotter.

Another interesting point is that air source heat pumps can provide low cost space heating.

This means that a high-efficiency heat pump can provide up to four times more heat than those common heaters that many people have in their home, such as resistance or even electric ones.

Thus, this is a simple and at the same time complex form of renewable energy that will also interfere in the consumer’s pocket, but in an alternative way, since it varies greatly with the price of electricity in each region and country.

Another aspect is that an air source heat pump does not emit carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide or any other type of gas, so it can be considered a renewable energy source.

This is possible because the pump uses a small amount of electricity to transfer a large amount of heat: the electricity can be from a renewable source or it can be generated from plants that burn fossil fuel.

Also, a big advantage of some pumps is that the same system can be used for heating in winter and cooling in summer. Although the installation cost is generally high, it is less than the cost of an underground source heat pump, because an underground source heat pump requires excavation to install its ground loop, in other words, here we have a benefit, as it is a direct savings in the consumer’s pocket.

One more advantage is that the heat pump has access to thermal storage capacity that allows it to produce more heat with less electricity in cold conditions, this is sure to generate savings at the end of the month.

There are countless benefits, and their practicalities that can be glimpsed, it is worth having this knowledge because it affects the consumer’s pocket and also the world, for cleaner energy.

Government agencies will acknowledge time spent by maidservants working, refuse to acknowledge time spent by writers

Writers who write for foreign clients often write for low rates, because they do not get any other work
Yet government agencies are so ruthless in their extortion racket on these writers, that they are falsely accused of moneylaundering
When maidservants are paid for the time they spend working for different families, the extremely corrupt greedy government agencies do not falsely accuse them of moneylaundering, they are paid for the work they do.
In contrast when clients outside india pay the highly skilled writers for the writing work they do, spending many hours of their time, allegedly bribed by google, tata, tech and internet companies, ntro/raw/cbi hysterically and falsely make fake money laundering allegations

Top haryana human resources specialist mba refuses to pay older single women for the writing, computer work they do continues to cheat, exploit them

Indicating the quality of human resources, mbas in india, their lack of humanity, honesty,one of the most famous mbas in india, haryana mba – human resources ruchika king is ruthless in committing labor law violations, refusing to pay people for the work they do, yet falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a hardworking single woman enginer who she hates, criminally defames

The single woman engineer spent the best years of her life, in her thirties monitoring the latest trends in domains, registering them, managing them, spending a large amount of money which made her famous among domain investors, especially in asia, she had no social life,since she spent many hours reading all the forums.
All the greedy government employees like haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge,bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree are spending the best years of their lives, taking care of their families, having a good social network, friends , which is socially acceptable, they have good social status
when bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, ruchika, amita patel do not purchase. domains for 12 years, despite getting a very good government salary, do not have any online income,why are they so greedy and ruthless in harassing, cheating,exploiting the hardworking single woman. It is time that peoplematters and other websites expose the fraud of haryana mba hr ruchika kinge