Language writing skills are the most difficult to acquire

There are four aspects to learning a particular language
– understanding the spoken word
– speaking in the language
– reading
– writing in the language

It is universally agreed that writing properly in a particular language is the most difficult language skill for a person to acquire. The reading and writing speed of a person will vary depending on the proficiency of the person,it requires a lot of effort. Writing well is a valuable skill in any language, especially english which is the most widely spoken language in the world

yet bribed by google, tata, the indian government refuses to acknowledge the english language skills of the domain investor, is wasting Rs 4 crore of taxpayer money annually to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the domain investor and falsely claim that raw/cbi employees who do not have the english writing skills, do not spend time, own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor, to waste taxpayer money, paying all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor

It is an indication of the lack of professionalism and incompetence of the indian intelligence and security agency employees that they refuse to speak or ask a person to write in english, only rely on the person’s appearance to form a biased judgement of the person’s language skills.,

Indian security and intelligence agencies refuse to acknowledge that english writing skills are valuable and make fake claims about sex service providers, cheaters and liar raw/cbi employees who have poor english writing skills, while criminally defaming the real writer.

Gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan cannot speak english fluently, showing that she is uneducated

Though the indian government, google, tata propaganda machinery is promoting the Gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, ilegally married at 16 , is an experienced engineer from a top college, anyone speaking to her for 5 minutes will realize that she is not well educated, probably a SCHOOL DROPOUT.
Though they may have an accent, most experienced engineers from top colleges can speak in english fluently, while naina has an extremely limited vocabulary
since the government role model naina is mainly at home, talking to her sons in gujrati and her maidservant in hindi, she does not speak to many people in english to improve it
So though she has perfect skin, rosebud lips, speaking to naina expose her LACK of english language skills and also her lack of education
Yet the indian and goan government propaganda machinery continue to dupe people, companies and countries with their FAKE CLAIMS about the panaji school dropout cbi employee naina chandan

LAZY LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER gujju, goan raw employees nikhil, sunaina, refuse to admit writing skills of the domain investor

LAZY LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTER gujju, goan bhandari raw employees nikhil, sunaina chodan, refuse to acknowledge the writing skills of the domain investor and continue to hysterically defame the domain investor

Instead of having the grace and honesty to admit that the domain investor is making money legally, bribed by google, tata, who have ruthlessly EXPLOITED the domain investor for 10 years to run a PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET, the security agencies in panaji continue to hysterically make fake allegations against the domain investor and monitor all her activities

The google. tata sponsored LAZY LIAR FRAUD goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, nikhil the son of the school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh and other frauds continue to waste their time monitoring the domain investor, trying to find proof against her. Whenever the domain investor is visiting her home, mailing address, both the young gujju and goan bhandari fraud are going to their associates in security agencies, who are then monitoring the house to find out if anyone is coming.

For 10 years, the CORRUPT LIAR indian security agencies have wasted Rs 4 crore annually trying to frame the domain investor and have not found any proof at all. Yet they refuse to admit their mistake and continue to waste taxpayer money resources in monitoring the domain investor.

The domain investor had come to Mumbai as a student, yet for 21 years she was allowed to live in peace, while in goa, though she lived for 17 years in goa before going to mumbai, has her father in goa, the security agency employees continue to hysterically make fake allegations and try to find NON-EXISTENT proof

The moment the domain investor will leave the house, the goan bhandari sex queen sunaina, young gujju fraudster nikhil, who are getting government salaries for falsely claiming to own her house, bank account are coming back to their homes indicating that in goa LAZY LIAR BANKING FRAUDSTERS are given great powers, raw/cbi salaries

Why is no one asking the tshirt wearing dehradun maidservant for proof of writing work?

Why is no one asking the tshirt wearing dehradun maidservant for proof of writing work?

Panaji, goa is the writing fraud capital of india, with the pathological LIAR intelligence and security agency employees taking massive bribes from the sundar pichai led google, tata and making fake claims that various lazy greedy inexperienced unskilled women who are not doing any computer work, own the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer whose identity is robbed so that google, tata’s SEX SERVICE providers, robbers and cheaters who are not doing any computer work, get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer who is getting nothing

After the google, tata call girl sunaina, siddhi, school dropout robber raw/cbi employees have been exposed now PIMP LIAR google,tata employees are now promoting a lazy greedy young female fraudsters from Dehradun who was wearing navy blue tshirt, pink leggings andpink necklace on 30 July 2019. The tshirt wearing young female fraudster is working on the seventh floor of a building in st.inez panaji, in the house of sinh, and is hired for household work
the sinh’s are paying her to keep the young woman from dehradun for keeping their house in perfect condition, the tshirt wearing servant is not doing any computer work at all, because she does not have the skills, computer and internet access
yet google, tata are beating the nigerian fraudsters in their online, paypal fraud , when they falsely claim that dehradun fraudster servant, is doing all the writing work, since these fraud companies are ruthless in criminally defaming the engineer who is actually doing the writing work, because google, tata have ensured that she does not get other paid work in India
Bank details will legally prove that the google, tata, intelligence and security agency employees in panaji, goa are worse than nigerian fraudsters in their endless online frauds.
Can google, tata explain why the tshirt wearing dehradun servant is not getting payment in her own bank account or that of sinh, why the payment is coming to the account of the engineer who these fraud companies are criminally defaming as having no skills and not doing any work.
This is posted as a fraud alert so that no one is duped by the lies of google, tata, security and intelligence employees in panaji, goa .

Why do indian intelligence agency lack the intelligence to ask the dehradun maidservant for proof, why are they blindly believing the lies of the tshirt wearing dehradun servant

tata’s latest fraud servant writer from dehradun involved in lift stalking again

Google, tata who are involved in the world’s greatest work at home fraud since 2010, are ruthless in criminally defaming, cheating and exploiting hardworking indian paypal account holders, falsely claiming that various housewives, call girls, maidservants are doing computer work , when actually these women are not spending any time and also lack the skills. Yet the indian and state government blindly believe all the lies of these fraud companies.

After the google, tata’s christian housewives and other men have been exposed, the latest google, tata maidservant writer is from Dehradun and is working on the seventh floor in the house of singh, who were earlier working in the navy (name changed). The pathological liar security and intelligence employees in panaji are falsely claiming that the maidservant, who is not doing any computer work, is doing the writing work.

To show that there is some contact, whenever the domain investor is taking the lift, they will send the microchipped maidservant and then falsely claim that the work was discussed in the lift, when actually there is no contact at all. On 12 June 2013, tata’s latest fraud servant writer was wearing a purple tshirt and wearing black leggings or pants.

This stalking is reason why the domain investor is confident that Rs 4 crore more of taxpayer money is wasted on harassing her every year since 2010, because all her activities are closely monitored by the security agencies, who then arrange to stalk her. If no one was monitoring her, they would not be able to stalk her, harass her in any way.

Kenya, Pakistan overtake India because of NTRO, raw, cbi, security agency fraud on writers in india


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In, it is mentioned that indian writers are being paid very less, usually half of what pakistani writers are getting and a fraction of what the writers in kenya are getting.

This is because NTRO, raw, cbi, security agency fraud are involved in a massive fraud on writers in India refusing to acknowledge their skills, hardwork, and falsely claiming that call girls, school dropout sex service providers, cheaters, robbers and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time doing computer work, own the paypal,bank account of the writer, to pay all the frauds raw/cbi salaries.

just like any other work, most new people, prefer to work with an experienced person, who will train them and provide tips.

People who work for writers with accounts in writing agencies earn much less than the account owners and writers who work directly for writing agencies. Alex Omari from Kenya told us that “as an academic writer, I started by charging very low rates $3-5 per page … I was also working under a friend of mine who was mentoring me, he was paid about $7-15 per page by the company he worked for.”

In India, especially in goa, the government, intelligence and security agencies refuse to acknowledge the skills and hardwork of the domain investor owning this website, and falsely claim that their favorite school dropout sex service provider cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons, nikhil,karan , goan call girl raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, cbi employee housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, raw employee bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, robber veena, and other fraud raw/cbi employees with no online income, own the iwriter, paypal acount of the domain investor to pay all the frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor who is broke

The domain investor who is also a prolific writer is criminally defamed in panaji, goa, her correspondence stolen by the raw/cbi employees like riddhi caro nayak, siddhi mandrekar, slim goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, who the goan government falsely claims owns the iwriter account of the domain investor, when actually it can be legally proved that goan frauds like sunaina, shameless lazy liar do not have any iwriter,paypal account of their own .

The shameless lazy liar raw/cbi employees rely on the fraud companies like google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi sugar daddies to abuse their powers and falsely claim that they own the writing, paypal, bank account of a private citizen, who is criminally defamed and unable to get any help . This racket has started in 2010, and continues for 9 years, with the cowardly indian mainstream media refusing to cover the fraud

For example the domain investor has got plenty of work, more than 100 articles to be written daily, yet she is unable to get any kind of help, mentor anyone because of the indian government skills fraud, it refuses to acknowledge the fact that she is the writer with customers outside india, it falsely claims that sex service providers, robbers and cheaters own her iwriter and paypal account.

Like in De De Pyaar De, mhow monster NTRO employee puneet fakes writing skills of his younger lazy girlfriend nayanshree hathwar to get her a R&AW job

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The Ajay Devgan movie De De Pyaar De highlighted a major fraud of middle aged indian men who are infatuated and having affairs with young women who are half their age. In the movie Ajay devgan’s character Ashish hides his sexual relationship with Aisha, half his age, falsely claiming that she is his secretary to his family and others when he comes to India

Like in De De Pyaar De, mhow monster NTRO employee puneet hides his affair with bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar 15 years junior, falsely claiming that she is a writer when actually she does not do any writing work at all
One of the greatest frauds in the indian internet sector is how ntro employees are allowed to falsely claim that their 100% personal relationship with good looking lazy greedy cheater women are professional relationships to get their girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with a monthly salary at the expense of professionals with skills and experience.

In exactly the same manner, the ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan are hiding their infatuation with the slim lazy greedy nayanshree hathwar for more than 9 years, falsely claiming that their relationship is professional, their friend who has never invested any money online is a domain investor, online, writing expert, when it can be legally proved that ntro’s favorite cheater housewife has never invested any money online in her life, has no online income, since she does not spend any time, and she does not have the skills

Mhow cheater puneet falsely claims that nayanshree is writing content when she is not spending any time writing at all in a clear case of exploitation and defamation of the real writer which no one has the humanity and honesty to question

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Google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees have continued with their internet connection fraud for 9 years


While applying for an internet connection, the ISP will ask for identity proof.
In a clear indication of the widespread fraud in the indian internet sector since 2010, the Google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees are involved in massive internet connection fraud, falsely claiming to own the internet connection of a private citizen when they have not applied for it and are not paying any expenses at all
It is an indication of the complete lack of integrity of the powerful fraud ntro employees led by the mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, parekh, vijay, that they are shamelessly and falsely claiming that the lazy greedy Google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, fraud raw/cbi employees , who do not pay any money own the internet connection of a harmless private citizen to pay the lazy fraud raw/cbi employees a monthly salary at the expense of the domain investor who has purchased the connection legally.
In some cases the internet connection is used for torture, India claims that all citizens are equal, so why are raw/cbi employees not purchasing and paying for the internet connection, why are they falsely claiming to own the connection of a private citizen for 9 years,

The GREEDY LIAR MEMORY ROBBER ntro employees falsely claim that the only difference between their lazy greedy girlfriends with ROBBED MEMORY like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, is the physics skills, it is gambling when actually the real difference is that their girlfriends in R&AW/cbi are SHAMELESS GREEDY MISERLY LIARS ROBBERS AND FRAUDS who are not willing to even pay for and get their own internet connection legally, they rely on ROBBER LIAR NTRO employees to make fake claims. Not having an office is not a valid excuse for memory robbery.

Lazy fraud ROBBER raw/cbi employees will not be able to complete 100 accepted articles in a month

One of the main problems living in goa, is that the security and intelligence agencies, media are extremely dishonest, and are shameless in defaming and ridiculing hardworking citizens, indian paypal account holders
One of the most shocking aspects of the google, tata masterminded, work at home, paypal, banking fraud is how the fraud ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies led by mhow cheater puneet ridicule and defame the paypal account holder, falsely claiming that the work they do is so simple and easy that their lazy greedy call girl, robber girlfriends sunaina chodan, riddhi caro nayak , gujju school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, and other fraud raw/cbi employees and their associates could do the work
In reality, it is not easy to do high quality article writing at a high speed,there are almost no people from india who are having more than 130 articles approved monthly. Yet bribed by google, tata, the goan media, intelligence and security agencies are mocking, defaming the domain investor who is also a prolific writer with more than 140 approved articles in a month, when the lazy greedy goan robber queen raw/cbi employees sunaina chodan, riddhi caro nayak would not complete 50 accepted articles in a month.

Another great fraud of the ntro employees led by mhow cheater is how he is falsely claiming that the domain investor is only making money because of his lazy greedy girlfriends like sunaina chodan, getting credit for the work she does not do, money and time she does not spend. In reality the websites and people will anyway pay the domain investor for her services, because she will not spend time in future doing the work, and she will not spend money on domains, she will sell them or let them expire.

There are many indian paypal account holders on iwriter who are getting paid without nayanshree, sunaina, siddhi riddhi getting credit
Yet in one of the greatest online frauds of the ntro employees led by mhow cheater, he is allowed to get away with his great fraud of giving all his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends credit and a monthly salary for work they do not do, falsely claiming credit and defaming the engineer, domain investor who is spending her time daily working like a slave

Goan robber raw/cbi employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro, do not speak marathi, hindi

One of the greatest frauds of the intelligence and security agency employees in goa, is how they are falsely claiming that the Goan robber raw/cbi employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak caro, who have not answered JEE, are experienced engineers with a btech 1993 ee degree from a top college in mumbai.
Most people who have lived in mumbai for some years, like the domain investor who actually studied and worked in mumbai for some years, can speak fluently in hindi and marathi
On the other hand, most of those who have lived only in goa, find it difficult to speak hindi fluently unless they are from north india or working in the tourism sector.
The domain investor was living in goa till she was 17, and she did not speak hindi fluently
Anyone can boast of engineering degree, experience, yet language skills, are a quick way to detect the places where a person has lived