Author: admin

brahmin ntro employee j srinivasan, not allowing his btech 1993 ee cl;assmate to get paid writing work in India to EXPLOI, CHEAT her

Allegedly BRIBED by IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, ntro/raw/cbi employees are involved in CYBERCRIME, stealing all the data of the goa 1989 jee topper and then falsely claiming that they own her paypal, bank account, domains, to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010. Though she is an experienced engineer, indian tech and internet companies are not allowing her to do any engineering work at a fair salary to force her to agree to identity theft

To cover up their CYBERCRIME, BANKING FRAUD, they are not allowing her to get any paid work in India, and then falsely claiming that her iwriter account 137870 of the goa 1989 jee topper belongs to the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees especially bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan,siddhi mandrekar, ruchika kinge, panaji sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil who are not doing any writing work at all, to get all these frauds monthly government salaries at her expense, while the domain investor is criminally defamed, denied a life of dignity.

In reality a writer can get paid work in India, for example Bhargav Shandilya (account 638934) , who has a iwriter account, is working in a startup called Compose corner in Bengaluru, and is probably paid more for the writing work in India since iwriter takes a 35% commission. During the lockdown, bhargavns was doing more iwriter work, and after the lockdown was lifted, he is focussing on his indian clients, he is not writing on iwriter regularly.

Only the single woman domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper is not allowed to get any writing work in India, so that she can be CHEATED, EXPLOITED with LIAR raw/cbi employees falsely claiming to own her iwriter, paypal, bank account and getting monthly salaries without spending any time and money for doing computer work, without making the effort to improve their english language skills since 2013.

The domain investor would like to ask the indian internet sector, when Bhargav Shandilya, Daniel Webard, Tabrez and other iwriter writers are allowed to get paid work in India, why is the single woman domain investor, writer not allowed to get any paid work in India for the last 7 years only because some powerful ntro/raw employees like mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan from the btech 1993 ee class of india’s top engineering college, and companies like google, tata HATE her want to CHEAT, EXPLOIT her to increase their profit

The domain investor, writer, would like to ask the indian and state government why she alone is expected to tolerate FINANCIAL FRAUD, why she is not treated like other prolific writers, who also get paid work in India

DISHONEST indian internet companies led led by google,tata ruthless CHEAT, EXPLOIT, CRIMINALLY DEFAME hardworking domain investor producing more content than any india today employee

India today and all online websites pay their staff for the content they write, only the domain investor is expected to write for free, let fraud raw/cbi employees get credit, monthly salaries in a online fraud since 2010

Indicating the widespread CHEATING, EXPLOITATION of single women domain investors in India, India today and all online websites pay their staff for the content they write, only the domain investor is expected to write for free, spending hours of her time daily, let fraud raw/cbi employees get credit, monthly salaries without doing any kind of computer work.
the domain investor has observed that india today staff for their website is writing from 9 am to 9 pm, they do not work outside those hours usually
India today has a large staff who will write for the different sections of the website
Indicating the lack of honesty and humanity in the indian internet sector, the internet companies led by google, are ruthless in criminally defaming the writer, domain investor for not updating the content, forgetting that she alone is writing a large part of the content, though raw/cbi make up fake stories about their lazy greedy fraud employees like robber riddhi nayak caro, who have never done any kind of writing work at all
The domain investor is producing more written content daily than any india today employee yet only because she is not employed, fraud companies like google, tata, and others are CHEATING, EXPLOITING her since 2010
Though the domain investor writes more content daily than any india today employee, DISHONEST LIAR indian tech, internet companies allegedly led by google,tata ruthless CHEAT, EXPLOIT, CRIMINALLY DEFAME her

Google, tata, indian internet companies continue to support panaji sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan, in their WRITING FRAUD

website hosting companies in Ghana

In another example of fact that ntro, raw, cbi employees, top indian internet sector officials and companies like google, tata are PATHOLOGICAL LIARS who should not be trusted at all, is how the indian internet sector refuses to question google, tata sponsored panaji raw/cbi employees shameless sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil on their iwriter, paypal, BANKING FRAUD since 2013 falsely claiming to own the iwriter, paypal, BANK account of a hardworking single woman to get monthly government salaries at the expense of the single woman

Since their shameless sindhi scammer school dropout mother naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, has never used any computer,the google, tata sponsored panaji raw/cbi employees shameless sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil did not even have a computer in their home till 2017, and do no paid work for customers outside india, they are only playing mainly on their mobiles
SHAMELESS FRAUD LIAR brahmin, bania dominated tech and internet companies like google, tata, fraud officials like tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil sha mercilessly hound, hardworking single women falsely claiming that they are worried about honesty, yet they refuse to explain why google, tata sponsored panaji shameless sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil are allowed to continue with their iwriter, paypal, BANKING FRAUD since 2013 to get salaries at the expense of the real writer, a single woman, iwriter account 137870

Internet connection details will also expose the google, tata sponsored panaji shameless sindhi scammer brothers karan, nikhil and their iwriter, paypal, BANKING FRAUD since 2013 , yet indicating the worsening status of single educated women in india, google, tata , indian internet companies refuse to question their favorite sindhi scammer brothers on their BANKING FRAUD, why google’s favorite sindhi scammer brothers are not opening their iwriter, paypal, bank account legally, why they are falsely claiming to own the account of a single woman they HATE, file fake dengue complaints against

Older single women writers fight a lonely battle against indian, state government WRITING, FINANCIAL FRAUD


Allegedly bribed by IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, internet companies, the indian government is openly involved in FINANCIAL FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of hardworking single older women writers, falsely claiming that their paypal, bank account belongs to lazy greedy well connected housewives who are only cooking, housekeeping for their families, and other powerful frauds, who do not do any writing work at all.

The real writer is spending 8-10 hours daily doing writing work, yet indicating the complete lack of honesty, humanity in indian society, government, worsening condition of educated women in India, the indian government continues to make fake claims for more than ten years, denying the writer her fundamental rights especially the right to a life of dignity.
Specifically the indian and 5 state governments, goa, karnataka, maharashtra, haryana, madhya pradesh government are extremely ruthless in their fraud on the single woman writer with iwriter account 137870 since 2013, with raw/cbi falsely claiming that their employees, lazy greedy frauds who do no writing work, own her paypal, bank account, in a clear case of indian government FINANCIAL FRAUD on harmless hardworking skilled citizens.
It is time that International labor organization (ILO) is aware of indian government FRAUD on older single women writers, refusing to acknowledge the time they spend writing and making fake claims about lazy greedy unskilled raw/cbi employees.

International labor organization (ILO) should be aware of indian government FRAUD on older single women writers

Allegedly bribed by IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, internet companies, the indian government is openly involved in FINANCIAL FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of hardworking single older women writers, falsely claiming that their paypal, bank account belongs to lazy greedy well connected housewives who are only cooking, housekeeping for their families, and other powerful frauds, who do not do any writing work at all.

The real writer is spending 8-10 hours daily doing writing work, yet indicating the complete lack of honesty, humanity in indian society, government, worsening condition of educated women in India, the indian government continues to make fake claims for more than ten years, denying the writer her fundamental rights especially the right to a life of dignity.
Specifically the indian and 5 state governments, goa, karnataka, maharashtra, haryana, madhya pradesh government are extremely ruthless in their fraud on the single woman writer with iwriter account 137870 since 2013, with raw/cbi falsely claiming that their employees, lazy greedy frauds who do no writing work, own her paypal, bank account, in a clear case of indian government FINANCIAL FRAUD on harmless hardworking skilled citizens.
It is time that International labor organization (ILO) is aware of indian government FRAUD on older single women writers, refusing to acknowledge the time they spend writing and making fake claims about lazy greedy unskilled raw/cbi employees.

Article copied by hackers

This article was copied by a panaji cybercriminal hacking the computer of the domain investor.Kindly note that the goan bhandari cybercriminal gang led by pritesh chodankar , R&AW employee sunaina chodan, asmita patel riddhi nayak caro\ are giving fake excuse of national security, and are supported by the fraud btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college in their cybercrime.

The domain investor is not paid for this article , so she is posting it. search for sunaina fraud on search for more information about the goa banking, writing fraud

The Marches region is worth exploring because of the diverse environmental conditions and landscapes. In addition to the natural beauty of the region of area 10,000 square km, visitors can also experience the artistic creations in the area. This region has thousands of different landscapes and colors waiting to be discovered. The sunflower fields are yellow in color, the hills and natural parks are different shades of soothing green. Red is extensively used in culture, folklore and traditions of the area while the lakes, rivers and sea are in different shades of blue.

This region has a coastline which is 180 km long and overlooking the Adriatic sea. Tourists can choose from 26 resorts along the coastline, which has a large number of beautiful beaches and bays. There are nine marinas along the coast with 18 blue flags to certify the quality of the services and water. Some of the beaches have fine sand, while others have gravel or rocks. A few of these beaches have rocks, sand with palm trees. Visitors can play a variety of beach games and water sports on these beaches while enjoying the excellent weather. Further inland, away from the coast, the region has a extraordinarily beautiful landscape comprising of lush green woods, forests and golden hills. The colorful meadows and woods alternate with the orchards filled with fruit trees, and fields where wheat is grown.

The Apennine mountains are located in the western part of the region. These mountains are sloping gradually to reach the sea and have a number of valleys. The southern Marches region has the Sibillini mountains, some of which are more than two thousand meters in height. These mountains are popular among those who enjoying trekking and hiking. Botany lovers also enjoying visit these mountains regularly to experience their diverse flora, plants and trees.

After greedy fraud haryana R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinge, office, job and paypal, bank account fraud was exposed, article rejected

The fraud levels in the google tata controlled indian internet sector are the highest in the world, and single women are ruthless cheated and exploited by these FRAUD LIAR companies, expected to tolerate all fraud quietly
For example the google, tata sponsored mba hr ruchika kinge was working in an office and getting a very good monthly salary, Yet indicating extremely high levels of fraud, google, tata were supporting the fraud ruchika in her writing fraud of falsely claiming to own the paypal, iwriter, bank account of a single woman domain investor who was spending her time doing the work.
This exposes how google, tata are completely fraud companies though they were aware that cia stooge ruchika was working in an american office in the human resources department, just to DEFAME, the single woman they all supported the scammer ruchika in her writing fraud.
Immediately after the office fraud of haryana scammer raw employee ruchika kinge was exposed, article was rejected. It does not matter since the article was used elsewhere , yet it shows the mindset of these greedy powerful scammers

Lawyers confirm that R&AW/cbi employees are CYBERCRIMINALS using stolen data to commit WRITING FRAUD on the domain investor

The well paid high status R&AW/cbi employees are not talking to the domain investor, writer who they have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED for the last ten years to ruin her reputation, personally and professionally since they consider her low status.
Yet in a major WRITING FRAUD, they are STEALING all her data using different methods and falsely claiming that they are doing the work, to get monthly government salaries. Since these FRAUD liar raw/cbi employees are well connected and high status, the indian and state government is blindly believing all their lies to make fake claims about their work, though these frauds are not doing any writing work, and are least interested in doing the work in future also.

The ntro, raw, cbi employees think that CYBERCRIME is their birthright, yet indian lawyers at pathlegal have confirmed that stealing data for making FAKE CLAIMS is a CYBERCRIME, if they are not doing the work, they should not make fake claims stealing the data of a private citizen, writer who is denied a life of dignity.

Official Statement on actor Sushantsingh Rajput’s death shows why English language skills are not appreciated in India

In india, the state and indian government are ruthless in harassing writers , refusing to acknowledge that they have language skills, which people from other countries are willing to pay a large amount for, and falsely accuse them of money laundering

Specifically one of the major problems for writers is that they are falsely labelled a security threat by the security agencies, police, who do not understand that knowing english fairly well, is a important skill, valued worldwide
The official statement from Mumbai police on Sushantsingh rajput’s demise posted on many websites, “Actor Sushantsingh Rajput R/o- Mount Blanc Apts, 6th Floor,Joggers Park, Bandra(W),Bandra have committed suicide by hanging himself to ceiling fan by knotting with green colour clothsheet in his bedroom. No suicide letter has been found…and no other suspicious factor has come out so far. The home is duplex flat with hall at downstairs and 3 bedrooms at upstairs.”

In india good language skills are not appreciated by the indian and state government agencies and the above statement shows the english language skills level of most people.

Though she is already cheating the domain investor of Rs 10 lakh annually, greedy gujju R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel wants content for free

Though IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian internet and tech companies are aware that their favorite SHAMELESS greedy gujju R&AW employee FRAUD stock broker asmita patel, her fraud boyfriends like mhow monster ntro employee puneet, other raw/cbi employees are not paying any money for domains, have no online income, only to help fraud companies like google destroy competition, the fraud indian tech and internet companies are falsely claiming that various fraud raw/cbi employees like indores robber housewife deepika, who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains of a private citizen, single woman domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper

with google,tata, indian internet and tech companies, the fraud btech 1993 ee class from india’s top engineering college supporting india’s top fraud R&AW employee stock broker asmita patel in her Rs 10 lakh annual domain ownership fraud, the SHAMELESS GREEDY asmita patel has become even more greedy and shameless in her online fraud always wanting everything for free ffddcdxcdf

Because of ntro, raw, cbi financial, ICANN fraud on the domain investor, she is making very less money, so she wanted to sell guest posts. Yet despite cheating the domain investor of Rs 10 lakh annually with her domain fraud, greedy shameless cheater asmita patel does not even want to pay for content, she wants the domain investor to also update the content for free, so that she can falsely claim credit and make more money

Updating content is not free, it is taking a lot of time and money, and despite her google, tata sponsored Rs 10 lakh annual fraud on the domain investor, the greedy R&AW employee animal asmita got the blog rejected, since also she wants the content also for free